I have an application that will be installed by another program (basically a wrapper that installs multiple applications and reports pass/fail for each). The requirement from the wrapper development team is that my application must write either Success or Fail to a specific registry key after the installation completes.
For my solution, I was thinking I could initilize the registry key to Success when the installtion begins, and update the value to Fail only if the installation fails (or the other way around).
Based on reading examples, browsing through the Wix Help, and searching for similar issues, I'm pretty certain I need to use a Custom Action, something like
<Custom Action="SetInstallationStatusFail" After="InstallFinalize">NOT Installed</Custom>
The place I'm stuck at now is that I don't know what code I need to write for the SetInstallationStatusFail in order to update the registry key. I'm also not sure what Parent element to stck it under. I think it should be something simple like this
<RegistryValue Action="write" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\$(var.RegistryCompanyName)\$(var.RegistryProductName)\InstallStatus" Name="install" Type="string" Value="Fail" />
If you think I'm trying to do something that isn't valid, or if you know of a better solution for wrting to the registry after install, please let me know. Thank you.
Another option would be to test if the value in the registry exists.
Your installer writes a value to the registry, the value can be Success. If the value exists in the registry, then installation was successful; if it does not, then installation failed.