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Implementation of LinkedList in python __getitem__() method

I am implementing a LinkedList in python(3.7.4) and the code of the module is below :-

class Node:
    def __init__(self,value):
        self.value = value
        self.ref = None

class LinkedList(Node):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__head = None
        self.__cur = None
        self.__count = 0

    def add(self,value):
        if self.__head is None:
            self.__cur = Node(value)
            self.__head = self.__cur
            self.__cur.ref = Node(value)
            self.__cur = self.__cur.ref
        self.__count += 1

    def getList(self):
        temp = self.__head
        while temp!=None:
            yield temp.value
            temp = temp.ref

    def delete(self,value):
        temp = self.__head
        while temp!=None:
            if temp.value == value and temp == self.__head:
                self.__head = temp.ref
                del temp
                self.__count -= 1
            elif temp.ref != None and temp.ref.value == value:
                temp_ref = temp.ref.ref
                del temp.ref
                self.__count -= 1
                temp.ref = temp_ref
            temp = temp.ref

    def __getitem__(self,index):
        i = 0
        temp = self.__head

        if type(index) is int:
            while temp!=None:
                if i == index:
                    return temp.value
                temp = temp.ref
                i += 1

        elif type(index) is slice:
            if index.start is None:
                start = 0
            else:   start = index.start

            if index.stop is None:
                stop = self.__count
            else:   stop = index.stop

            if index.step is None:
                step = 1
            else:   step = index.step

            returningList = list()
            while temp!=None:
                if start <= i < stop:

                if i==0:
                    i = start
                    for _ in range(start):
                        if temp != None:
                            temp = temp.ref
                    for _ in range(step):
                        if temp != None:
                            temp = temp.ref
            return returningList

    def __len__(self):
        return self.__count

All the above functions are working well, there is no any error in this module.

but my problem is __getitem__() method. I am unable to make the exact logic for that and it is going too larger.

also it is not working for negative indices like obj[-1] returning me nothing ( len(obj) is not 0 here).

can anyone give or suggest me proper logic for __getitem__() method for code optimization and complexity reduction.


  • You can do this, for example:

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if isinstance(index, int):
            if index < 0:
                index = len(self) + index
            # check if `index` is valid
            # search for the element as you're currently doing.
        elif isinstance(index, slice):
            return [self[i] for i in range(len(self))[index]]
            raise ValueError(f'Linked list cannot be indexed with values of type {type(index)}')

    UPDATE: the code above is very concise, but it's also tremendously slow. If I'm not mistaken, it's a bit better than O(n**2), while the code below is at least 71.58 times faster (doing linkedListWith500Elements[::-1]), and it should be about O(n)!

    This should be way faster because it doesn't iterate through the list each time to retrieve the next element of the slice:

    class LinkedList:
        def __iter__(self):
            temp = self.__head
            while temp is not None:
                yield temp.value
                temp = temp.ref
        def __getitem__(self, index):
            if isinstance(index, int):
                if index < 0:
                    index = len(self) + index
                for i, value in enumerate(self):
                    if i == index:
                        return value
                raise IndexError(f'{type(self).__name__} index {index} out of range(0, {len(self)})')
            elif isinstance(index, slice):
                rangeOfIndices = range(len(self))[index]
                isRangeIncreasing = rangeOfIndices.start <= rangeOfIndices.stop + 1 and rangeOfIndices.step > 0
                rangeOfIndices = iter(rangeOfIndices) if isRangeIncreasing else reversed(rangeOfIndices)
                retval = []  # you can preallocate this...
                updateRetval = retval.append if isRangeIncreasing else (lambda value: retval.insert(0, value))  # ...and change this accordingly, although I haven't tested whether it'll be faster
                    searchingForIndex = next(rangeOfIndices)
                except StopIteration:
                    return retval
                temp = self.__head   
                for i, element in enumerate(self):
                    if temp is None:
                    if i == searchingForIndex:
                            searchingForIndex = next(rangeOfIndices)
                        except StopIteration:
                            return retval
                    temp = temp.ref
                return retval
            raise ValueError(f'{type(self).__name__} can only be indexed with integers or slices (not {type(index)})')

    Preallocating the list should be around 22% faster:

    rangeOfIndices = range(len(self))[index]
    isRangeIncreasing = rangeOfIndices.start <= rangeOfIndices.stop + 1 and rangeOfIndices.step > 0
    # preallocate the list...     
    retval = [None] * len(rangeOfIndices)   
    if isRangeIncreasing:
        retvalIndex = 0
        rangeOfIndices = iter(rangeOfIndices)
        # ...and use a different update function
        def updateRetval(value):
            nonlocal retvalIndex
            retval[retvalIndex] = value
            retvalIndex += 1
        retvalIndex = len(retval) - 1
        rangeOfIndices = reversed(rangeOfIndices)
        def updateRetval(value):
            nonlocal retvalIndex
            retval[retvalIndex] = value
            retvalIndex -= 1