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How do you display a HTML in view on Ruby on Rails?

I have a module that should render a menu depending on the user roles. We used to use cancancan gem but since we got a new specification it's being deprecated.

I have an association that goes like this. A many_to_many relationship with User and Role, another many_to_many relationship with Role and Menu, so a User has a nested many_to_many relationship with Menu.

What I'm trying to do is render a menu depending on the user role. so I have this helper module:

module MenuHelper
      # ! MENU MAPPING ===============================
      MENU_NAMES = {
        orders: '<%= main_menu_tree Spree.t(:orders), icon: "shopping-cart", sub_menu: "orders", url: "#sidebar-orders" %>',
        workflows: '<%= tab *Spree::BackendConfiguration::WORKFLOW_TABS, label: Spree.t(:workflows),  icon: "flash" %>',
      # ! MENU MAPPING ===============================

      # this will return menu names
      # @params {ARRAY} menu_names are the allowed menu that the user can access by its role
      # @returns {ARRAY}
      def user_menus(menu_names = [])
        samp_arr = []
        menu_names.each do |m_n|
          samp_arr << MENU_NAMES[:"#{m_n.downcase}"]

and on my shared/_menu.html.erb I have this.

<%  spree_current_user.menus.pluck(:name).each do |n|%>
    <%= n%>
<% end %>

on the view though it will turn into a string. I expected this behavior but is there a way to evaluate this as a method? since main_menu_tree and tab is just a method or maybe there is a better way to solve this?


  • As you have menu_names you can create a new template (we name it as partial) for each menu, see the example:


    If you create these partials, you should be able to do something like:

    <%  spree_current_user.menus.pluck(:name).each do |menu_name| %>
        <%= render "menus/#{menu_name}" %>
    <% end %>

    It will concatenate the name of menu with the path of the file to render and all should work fine!