I am doing SSH to a host and executing a command and the command asks you to press the enter key. (It asks twice for different things.)
I am using spawn expect here.
When you send the report command, it will ask for you to press ENTER key. Once that is done, again it asks you to press enter. I want to send the enter key automatically.
spawn ssh user@host report
expect "Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL-C to quit."
send " \r"
expect "Press enter for inputing"
send "\r"
ENTER should be done automatically and get the end result of the command.
say you have the "report" script on machine "audrey":
echo -n "Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL-C to quit."
echo -n "Press enter for inputing"
read s
echo "You sent: $s"
and the local expect script:
spawn ssh audrey ./report
expect "Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL-C to quit."
send "\n"
expect "Press enter for inputing"
send "\n"
send "OK\n"
expect "You sent: OK"
./a.expect output:
spawn ssh audrey ./report
Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL-C to quit.
Press enter for inputing
You sent: OK