While development of a game that runs only in landscape mode I've found a way to escape landscape mode using Bixby.
So even if I set that my main activity can run only landscape, I set landscape in my AndroidManifest, when I click Bixby button, then my application switches to portrait mode.
This isn't just my application, tested on VLC, games Unity 3D based, Asphalt 9, some of those don't have a support for that and simply crash.
Is there any way to prevent Bixby from doing it?
Here is a video shows how it messes up with Asphalt 9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSOV7mvgCsw (even crashes it, when clicked while loading)
This behavior has been resolved. Bixby will now correctly overlay in landscape mode when attempting the use case you described.