I have a LINQ which access a table with a large data set, so this query is performance critical. I also want the filtered dataset to be sorted dynamically, so I'm using a LINQ extension to do the sorting by passing the sort column at runtime.
Due to a performance issue encountered, I'm doing the projection of data after sorting (the queries are given below). Because of this, I have to repeat the projection inside both OrderBy and OrderByDescending extensions. Is there a way to extract out the projection so that there's less duplicate code?
Here's my code: Filtering data from the source table -
var allOrderEntries = (from l in context.Orders
where (branches.Count == 0 || branches.Contains(l.BranchId))
&& l.IsActive && !l.IsArchived
&& (l.PreferredLanguage.LanguageKey == languageKey string.IsNullOrEmpty(languageKey))
&& (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText) || (l.FirstName == searchText || l.LastName == searchText || l.Notes == searchText || l.AccountNumber == searchText))
select l;
This returns an IQueryable, which I then pass to the OrderBy Extension. This is where I have the projection duplication which I want to resolve.
if (sortInfo.SortDirection == Common.Enum.SortDirection.Ascending)
orderedList = allOrderEntries.OrderBy(sortInfo.SortColumn).Skip(pageInfo.Skip).Take(pageInfo.PageSize).Select(data => new OrderEntryDetailsDto
Id = data.OrderId.ToString(),
AccountNumber = accountNumber.Mask(data.AccountNumber),
FirstName = data.FirstName,
LastName = data.LastName,
ServicesRequested = data.ServicesRequested, //string.Join(",", data.ServicesRequested.Select(s=> s.ServiceName).ToArray()),
PersonRequested = data.UserRequested != null ? data.UserRequested.FirstName + " " + data.UserRequested.LastName : data.GroupRequested != null ? data.GroupRequested.GroupName : string.Empty,
Notes = data.Notes ?? string.Empty,
WaitTime = string.Format("{0:hh\\:mm\\:ss}", (TimeSpan)(DateTime.UtcNow - data.AddedTime)),
Type = data.FkAppointmentId == null ? "Walk-In" : (from a in context.Appointments where a.AppointmentId == data.FkAppointmentId select a).Single().AppointmentStatus.AppointmentStatusName.ToString()
orderedList = allOrderEntries.OrderByDescending(sortInfo.SortColumn).Skip(pageInfo.Skip).Take(pageInfo.PageSize).Select(data => new OrderEntryDetailsDto
Id = data.OrderId.ToString(),
AccountNumber = accountNumber.Mask(data.AccountNumber),
FirstName = data.FirstName,
LastName = data.LastName,
ServicesRequested = data.ServicesRequested, //string.Join(",", data.ServicesRequested.Select(s=> s.ServiceName).ToArray()),
PersonRequested = data.UserRequested != null ? data.UserRequested.FirstName + " " + data.UserRequested.LastName : data.GroupRequested != null ? data.GroupRequested.GroupName : string.Empty,
Notes = data.Notes ?? string.Empty,
WaitTime = string.Format("{0:hh\\:mm\\:ss}", (TimeSpan)(DateTime.UtcNow - data.AddedTime)),
Type = data.FkAppointmentId == null ? "Walk-In" : (from a in context.Appointments where a.AppointmentId == data.FkAppointmentId select a).Single().AppointmentStatus.AppointmentStatusName.ToString()
So I want to re-do the Select part, which is duplicated and what's the best way to do so?
try this since it is IQueryable
if (sortInfo.SortDirection == Common.Enum.SortDirection.Ascending)
allOrderEntries = allOrderEntries.OrderBy(sortInfo.SortColumn)
allOrderEntries = allOrderEntries.OrderByDescending(sortInfo.SortColumn)
var orderedList = allOrderEntries.Select(data => new OrderEntryDetailsDto
Id = data.OrderId.ToString(),
AccountNumber = accountNumber.Mask(data.AccountNumber),
FirstName = data.FirstName,
LastName = data.LastName,
ServicesRequested = data.ServicesRequested, //string.Join(",", data.ServicesRequested.Select(s=> s.ServiceName).ToArray()),
PersonRequested = data.UserRequested != null ? data.UserRequested.FirstName + " " + data.UserRequested.LastName : data.GroupRequested != null ? data.GroupRequested.GroupName : string.Empty,
Notes = data.Notes ?? string.Empty,
WaitTime = string.Format("{0:hh\\:mm\\:ss}", (TimeSpan)(DateTime.UtcNow - data.AddedTime)),
Type = data.FkAppointmentId == null ? "Walk-In" : (from a in context.Appointments where a.AppointmentId == data.FkAppointmentId select a).Single().AppointmentStatus.AppointmentStatusName.ToString()