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Updating QGridLayout correctly when deleting some items and adding new

I have a QGridLayout that I populate with some QLabels and QLineEdits at startup. The first row of my QGridlayout is the title of the columns. I use this function.

def add_row(self, idx, name, units, is_read_only=False):
    row = idx + 1

    # Add name
    text = QLabel(name + ':', self)
    text.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum))
    col = 0
    self.gridLayout.addWidget(text, row, col)

    # Add read values
    col = 1
    self.read_values[name] = QLineEdit("", self)
    self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.read_values[name], row, col)

and it works well.

At some point, I have to delete the content of the QGridLayout.

I then do the following to delete the widgets and remove then from layout while keeping the first row where my headers (col titles).

def clear_grid_layout(self):
    for i in reversed(range(self.gridLayout.count())):
        row, col, d,e = self.gridLayout.getItemPosition(i)
        if row == 0:
        widgetToRemove = self.gridLayout.itemAt(i).widget()

Then I need to add some widgets back. They should all align just as in the first try (before delete). However, when trying to add widgets back I reuse the same function above with the correct arguments and it fails.

At this point I expect the widgets to appear in the gridlayout, but they are created OUTSIDE the actual software.

Other usefull info: When I check, the QLabel object text.parent() returns None. Even when I try to set text.setParent(self), it keeps returning None.


  • I am answering my own question. I forgot the "Do not try to change the GUI in nothing but the MainThread". Just before going to lunch I realized that I had forgotten about this (again!). I added a simple signal/slot connection to jump threads and..... it worked.
