I have method:
def return_dto_object(id)
Comment.where(product_id: id)
And i wanna pass block and put it instead of product_id
For Example:
def return_dto_object(id)
Comment.where(yield: id)
=> return_dto_object(1) { product_id }
=> return_dto_object(1) { id }
I just wanna change the column that the records will search for. This possible, that i want?
is able to receive a hash as an argument, so, whenever you do:
Comment.where(product_id: id)
It's equivalent to:
Comment.where({ product_id: id })
You can create a hash with "dynamic" keys the way:
{ key => value }
So, passing product_id, it'd be:
attribute = :product_id
{ attribute => 1 } # {:product_id=>1}
Which is the valid syntax for invoking where
def return_dto_object(attribute, id)
Comment.where(attribute => id)
If it's confusing, you can first create the hash, and pass it to where.