Is there a way to step through a custom function written in M to evaluate the results line by line? This would be similar to using F8 to step through code in Visual Basic, or using the Evaluate tool from the Formulas ribbon within Excel.
I have written a function that's not giving an error, but it's not returning the results that I expected either. It consists of multiple steps to manipulate a text string into another string, and I'm not exactly sure where it's going wrong - I need a way to step through each line and see what it's doing, so I can pinpoint the problem and fix it.
I don't think there is an equivalent of F8 for M code. The best way to analyze what it's doing is to recreate the function as a query with sample parameters and step through the Applied Steps pane in the query editor. You have to give it something to work with to see what's going on. It's fine if your example references other parameters as long as somewhere in the process you pick your parameter(s) to produce an instantiated table/list/value/column (or whatever your function takes as input) that you want to use for analysis.