I have a bunch of orderIds '1, 18, 1000, 77 ...' that I'm retreiving from a nvarchar(8000). I am trying to parse this string and put the id into a temporary table. Is there a simple and effective way to do this?
To view a list of all the orderIds that I parsed I should be able to do this:
select orderid from #temp
The fastest way via a numbers table that takes seconds to create:
--First build your numbers table via cross joins
select top 8000 ID=IDENTITY(int,1,1)
into numbers
from syscolumns s1
,syscolumns s2
,syscolumns s3
--add PK
alter table numbers add constraint PK_numbers primary key clustered(ID);
create table #temp(
ID int identity(1,1) primary key,
StringValues varchar(8000)
declare @orderIds varchar(8000)
set @orderIds = ',1, 18, 1000, 77, 99, 1000, 2, 4,'
insert into #temp(StringValues)
select substring(@orderIds,ID+1,charindex(',',@orderIds,ID+1)-ID-1)
from numbers where ID < len(@orderIds)and substring(@orderIds,ID,1) = ',';
This is a great method I've been using for years based on the following article: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/62867/