I am able to successfully generate & view cucumber html reports after running my Karate tests on my local machine. However, i am unable to share these reports with others since the rich content is getting lost when the report is sent/shared to/with others. what should i do, so that others can view the reports the same way as i do? Publishing it on Web would be great, but don't know how to implement it in the current scenario.
Tried uploading the html report on Sharepoint & sharing the link with others --didn't help.
The html reports should be centrally placed, so that anyone could view the reports & its full rich content from any machine. Hosting of report on web would be great, since it will then be accessible for others.
That's the job of the CI tool and Karate does not need to be in the report distribution business. Many teams use the Jenkins HTML publisher plugin, you should be able to find something similar.