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How do I replace the cakephp password hashing algorithm?

I have an existing database I'm trying to put a cake app on top of. The old app used crypt() in Perl to hash the passwords. I need to do the same in the PHP app.

Where is the correct place to make that change in a standard cakephp app? And what would such a change look like?


  • I got it working...

    here is my AppController:

    class AppController extends Controller {
        var $components = array('Auth');
        function beforeFilter() {
            // this is part of cake that serves up static pages, it should be authorized by default
            // tell cake to look on the user model itself for the password hashing function
            $this->Auth->authenticate = ClassRegistry::init('User');
            // tell cake where our credentials are on the User entity
            $this->Auth->fields = array(
               'username' => 'user',
               'password' => 'pass',
            // this is where we want to go after a login... we'll want to make this dynamic at some point
            $this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller'=>'users', 'action'=>'index');

    Then here is the user:

    class User extends AppModel {
        var $name = 'User';
        // this is used by the auth component to turn the password into its hash before comparing with the DB
        function hashPasswords($data) {
             $data['User']['pass'] = crypt($data['User']['pass'], substr($data['User']['user'], 0, 2));
             return $data;

    Everything else is normal, i think.

    Here is a good resource: