I am trying to transfer a source table A on SAP HANA to another target table B.
Both tables have the same structure below; they both have a column LASTUPDATE
which is of type TIMESTAMP
, but when I try to execute
Insert into TABLE B (Select BASE1,BASE2,LASTUPDATE from TABLE A)
there is this error:
ERROR 266: Inconsistent Datatype: TIMESTAMP type is incompatible with INT type
Structure of table A:
Structure of table B:
It is maybe a bug, do you have any idea how to solve this problem?
It looks like it is reading LASTUPDATE
on TARGET as an INT, but I checked the structure it is of type TIMESTAMP
and Modified it to type Date
and To_SecondDate
, I have the same error it is read as INT.
insert into wctversion (SELECT base1,base2,base3,base4,lastupdate,
schname,status,updateuser FROM TMP_wctversion)
It shows this ERROR:
Could not execute 'insert into wctversion (SELECT base1,base2,base3,base4,lastupdate,schname,status,updateuser FROM ...' SAP DBTech JDBC: [266]: inconsistent datatype: TIMESTAMP type is incompatible with INT type: line 1 col 57 (at pos 56)
As per the comment from @a_horse_with_no_name you have not specified the traget fields, so the system is trying to allocate the fields sequentially.
In your case that means you're trying to insert LASTUPDATE into BASE3 - hence the conversion error.
You should have: