I'm looking for an equivalent of @describeIn
that will allow me to create a single documentation object for multiple R data objects.
I had hoped that something like this:
#' Tree Distances
#' These datasets contain the distances between sets
#' of 10-tip, 11-tip and 12-tip trees.
#' @name treeDistances
#' @keywords datasets
would produce a single manual page that would apply to all three treeDistances##
objects, similar to describing one function within another using @describeIn treeDistances Distances between 11-tip trees
I notice that adding @aliases treeDistance11 treeDistance12
associates the documentation page with the data objects, but without referencing the objects in the Usage section – but I believe that there is a more appropriate way to do this?
Use @rdname
#' Tree Distances
#' These datasets contain the distances between sets
#' of 10-tip, 11-tip and 12-tip trees.
#' @name treeDistances
#' @keywords datasets
#' @rdname treeDistances
#' @rdname treeDistances