I am Trying to make a Program that uses Speech Recognition (SR), And I know that a popular library for this in Speech Recognition. I download speech recognition with pip install SpeechRecognition
. I found Out while working on the code I need PyAudio. I tried to install this however it gave me the following error. error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools": https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/
. I have looked for tutorials on how to download this, and I have download it, but it still does not work. Can someone please give me a more detailed explination or point me towards a video on how to install it for python on windows and Add it to the path. Thanks.
This problem was solved a long time agoo =]] Why you do not search on google before to ask?
Go to this commend and click on the link what is there and install it manualy.
The link what you will need to found is something like this: