AWS recommends to increase failover time for KCL (kinesis), if apps with connectivity issues.
But I can’t find how failover time can be changed.
I’m looking for (one or all):
settings in AWS console
settings for the node.js kcl package
settings by Terraform
The failover time is a configuration option for the Kinesis Client Library. It is not a property on the stream. As a result, you cannot change it in the AWS console.
Configuring AWS Kinesis Client library for Node.js is done using property files. I assume you already have a property file otherwise you wouldn't be able to start up your consumer application. What you need to do is add this to your property file:
# Fail over time in milliseconds.
failoverTimeMillis = 10000
See this sample property file provided by the library:
Also see this documentation for more detail on how to change the property file: