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python-pptx – How to individually hide/show data labels in graph

I would like to be able to flexibly show or hide data labels in a stacked bar chart.

I thought this would have been possible by accessing an individual datalabel as such: plot.series[0].points[1].data_label and then assigning its has_text_frame attribute to True or False, but this isn't working.

My use case is more complex than the below, but was trying to get it work with a simple example. If possible please show me how it can be done with the code snippet attached below.

from pptx import Presentation
from import ChartData
from pptx.enum.chart import XL_CHART_TYPE
from pptx.util import Cm

prs = Presentation()
slide = prs.slides.add_slide(prs.slide_layouts[5])
x = ['one','two','three', 'four']
y = [7.0, 5.0, 4.0, 2.0]
specs = {
    'height': Cm(7.82),
    'width': Cm(14.8),
    'left': Cm(2.53),
    'top': Cm(5.72)}

data = ChartData()
data.categories = x
label_values = tuple(y)
data.add_series('Series 1', label_values)
frame = slide.shapes.add_chart(XL_CHART_TYPE.BAR_CLUSTERED, specs['left'],
                               specs['top'], specs['width'],
                               specs['height'], data)
chart = frame.chart
plot = chart.plots[0]

# Attempt at showing all labels except for one
plot.has_data_labels = True
plot.series[0].points[1].data_label.has_text_frame =False'chart-01.pptx')


  • I think the approach you want is to turn them on individually rather than to turn them off individually. I believe PowerPoint supports both approaches, but python-pptx will only support the "add" method, if it does that.

    Try something like this:

    plot = chart.plots[0]
    # ---best if data-labels don't appear by default
    # ---turn them off, but only if they already show
    # ---since it might disrupt what comes next
    # plot.has_data_labels = False
    plot.series[0].points[0].data_label.text_frame.text = "Foo"