The new Roku scenegraph developer extensions seem pretty useful. I have two SGDEX views that are useful to me. However I need to combine them and I do not see any documentation on how to do it.
The Custom+Scene example is what I am working off of. Simply I would add to add the searchView feature to this script.
I have tried adding SearchView as a component. However the searchview example is it's own working page, I would like to add it as a node. I have tried adding it as an overhang, and also tried adding it as a button on the homepage. I have been unsuccessful with both.
Please see scenegraph developer extensions.
I simply need to add the SearchView feature to the Custom+Scene example in SGDEX. Please provide example of how to do this if you are familiar. Thanks.
Looks like what we wanted to achieve is open the searchView from the mainscene of the custom+screen example.
I updated the feed.json file of the project and add a new object after the "series" object.
"search": [
"id": "search",
"title": "Search",
"releaseDate": "2015-06-11",
"shortDescription": "Will open search view.",
"thumbnail": "",
"genres": [
"tags": [
"content": {
"dateAdded": "2015-06-11T14:14:54.431Z",
"captions": [],
"videos": [
"url": "",
"quality": "HD",
"videoType": "MP4"
"duration": 53
On your GridHandler.brs, change the ParseJsonToNodeArray function, lets change the if condition of the line 27, so it will look like this:
if fieldInJsonAA = "movies" or fieldInJsonAA = "series" or fieldInJsonAA = "search"
Then, on your mainscene.brs, go to the method "OnGridItemSelected", change it for something like this:
rowContent = grid.content.GetChild(selectedIndex[0])
if rowContent.title = "search"
searchView = CreateObject("roSGNode", "SearchView")
searchView.hintText = "Search for something""show", {
view: searchView
detailsView = ShowDetailsView(rowContent, selectedIndex[1])
detailsView.ObserveField("wasClosed", "OnDetailsWasClosed")
end if
That should open the searchView and if you press back that should close the searchView and take the user back to the gridView.