Search code examples

How to combine Scenegraph Developer Extensions (SGDEX)

The new Roku scenegraph developer extensions seem pretty useful. I have two SGDEX views that are useful to me. However I need to combine them and I do not see any documentation on how to do it.

The Custom+Scene example is what I am working off of. Simply I would add to add the searchView feature to this script.

I have tried adding SearchView as a component. However the searchview example is it's own working page, I would like to add it as a node. I have tried adding it as an overhang, and also tried adding it as a button on the homepage. I have been unsuccessful with both.

Please see scenegraph developer extensions.

I simply need to add the SearchView feature to the Custom+Scene example in SGDEX. Please provide example of how to do this if you are familiar. Thanks.


  • Updated

    Looks like what we wanted to achieve is open the searchView from the mainscene of the custom+screen example.

    I updated the feed.json file of the project and add a new object after the "series" object.

     "search": [
                "id": "search",
                "title": "Search",
                "releaseDate": "2015-06-11",
                "shortDescription": "Will open search view.",
                "thumbnail": "",
                "genres": [
                "tags": [
                "content": {
                    "dateAdded": "2015-06-11T14:14:54.431Z",
                    "captions": [],
                    "videos": [
                            "url": "",
                            "quality": "HD",
                            "videoType": "MP4"
                    "duration": 53

    On your GridHandler.brs, change the ParseJsonToNodeArray function, lets change the if condition of the line 27, so it will look like this:

    if fieldInJsonAA = "movies" or fieldInJsonAA = "series" or fieldInJsonAA = "search"

    Then, on your mainscene.brs, go to the method "OnGridItemSelected", change it for something like this:

    rowContent = grid.content.GetChild(selectedIndex[0])
    if rowContent.title = "search"
        searchView = CreateObject("roSGNode", "SearchView")
        searchView.hintText = "Search for something""show", {
            view: searchView
        detailsView = ShowDetailsView(rowContent, selectedIndex[1])
        detailsView.ObserveField("wasClosed", "OnDetailsWasClosed")
    end if

    That should open the searchView and if you press back that should close the searchView and take the user back to the gridView.
