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How does "ImageReader.getSurface()" work?

I am working with the camera2 API in android and am trying to understand this code I am using. Part of the code goes like this:

previewReader = ImageReader.newInstance(previewSize.getWidth(), previewSize.getHeight(), 
                                        ImageFormat.YUV_420_888, 4);

previewReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(imageListener, backgroundHandler);
// This adds another output surface but not sure where this surface comes from..

imageListener is an object from another class that implements and backgroundHandler is just a background thread. I am not including code for these two or previewRequestBuilder as they do not seem to be important for understanding my question.

I have searched extensively but it just seems like some magic happens and previewReader finds some surface somewhere, somehow. According to the documentation, what getSurface() does is to:

Get a Surface that can be used to produce Image for this ImageReader

Can anyone explain where it gets this?


  • That Surface belongs to the ImageReader; it was created in the native equivalent of the ImageReader's constructor, and is (effectively) an ImageReader private member, with a getter.

    Here is the line in the native constructor that sets up the IGraphicBufferProducer (gbProducer), which is basically the native equivalent of a Surface.

    Here is where you can see that the native code uses that same member to form the return value from getSurface()/nativeGetSurface() (you may have to trace through the code a bit, but it's all there).

    So that's the literal answer to your question. But maybe you were asking because it isn't clear why the camera doesn't create the Surface, and force you to give it to the ImageReader, instead: A Surface is a complex object (actually, a buffer queue), and shouldn't be thought of as a simple, pre-allocated bitmap. At the time the capture takes place, the camera pipeline will communicate with its output Surfaces, and set up the correct dimensions and color planes and so forth. (Note that you can add multiple targets via addTarget(); the camera can use each of them.) All the camera needs to know is where it's going to send its output; it doesn't need to create the output Surface itself.