I'm working on implementing an infix-calculator in Clojure, which starts with me implementing Dijkstra's Shunting-yard Algorithm. I thought I had it down pretty well, but joke's on me, it doesn't seem to handle operators very well at all. Calling (shunting-yard "3 + 5")
. That's all. Could someone tell me what's wrong with my handling of operator characters here?
(import '(java.lang.Character))
(defn operator? [sym]
"Determines if a given token is a mathematical operator."
(some #{sym} '(\+ \- \* \/ \% \^ \!)))
(defn associativity-of [operator]
"Determines the associativity of a given mathematical operator."
(if (some #{operator} '(\+ \- \* \/ \%))
(defn precedence-of [operator]
"Determines the precedence of a given mathematical operator."
(case operator
(\+ \-) 2
(\* \/ \%) 3
(\^ \!) 4
(defn operator-actions [stmt stack]
"Actions taken when the next token in the stmt is an operator."
(let [token-prec (precedence-of (first stmt))
token-assoc (associativity-of (first stmt))
stack-oper (first stack)
stack-prec (precedence-of stack-oper)]
(cond (or (and (= token-assoc 'left)
(<= token-prec stack-prec))
(and (= token-assoc 'right)
(< token-prec stack-prec)))
(cons stack-oper (shunt stmt (rest stack)))
:else (shunt (rest stmt) (cons (first stmt) stack)))))
(defn stack-operations [stack]
"Actions to take if (nil? stmt)"
(comment "If a left paren is found on the stack, it means
that there was no right paren to match it, and
therefore the statement had unbalanced parentheses.")
(cond (and (not (nil? stack))
(= (first stack) \()) (print "Unbalanced parentheses.\n")
(nil? stack) ()
:else (cons (first stack) (stack-operations (rest stack)))))
(defn shunt [stmt stack]
(cond (empty? stmt) (stack-operations stack)
(Character/isDigit (first stmt)) (cons (first stmt)
(shunt (rest stmt) stack))
(operator? (first stmt)) (operator-actions stmt stack)
(= (first stmt) \() (recur (rest stmt) (cons (first stmt) stack))
(= (first stmt) \)) (if (= (first stack) \()
(recur (rest stmt) (rest stack))
(cons (first stack) (shunt stmt (rest stack))))))
(defn shunting-yard [stmt]
(shunt stmt ()))
I don't actually know the Shunting-Yard algorithm (save 2 minutes in Wikipedia just now), but one issue I see is that that shunt
doesn't handle spaces. So it reads your \3
, recurses, and exits since the next char is \space
. If stmt
has no spaces, i.e. "3+5"
, you get a StackOverflowError
, but that's progress, I guess.