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Python: I am trying to web scrape a page but I am not able to find the html

I am trying to scrape this page ( I am trying to pull all of the data such as class size, free/reduced lunch/ student/tacher ratio, % of student demographics by race ,and the respective counts of MIT, Harvard, Princeton admits.

However when I go look and inspect the page source, I am not able to find the tag that contains such information

I am using Python 3.7, Bs4 I have inspected the page source

what i have so far:

#importing lbiraries
import requests
import bs4
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

page_link = ''
page_response = requests.get(page_link, timeout=5)

page_content = BeautifulSoup(page_response.content, "html.parser")
result_name_of_hs = page_content.find_all('div', attrs={'data-test': 'name'})

***output is []

I expected BS4 to get the identified tag and pull it from the site. However when I am in the Inspect Page element, I am not able to find anything,

I saw this when I inspected an element, but could not get the div data-testname

<div class="font-size-20 font-weight-semi-bold block-with-text" data-test="name">THOMAS JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL</div>


  • The data you see are loaded asynchronously by the page. When you open Firefox/Chrome developer tools, you will see the data are pulled from different URL (in this case

    To load data from JSON you can use this:

    import json
    import requests
    url = ''
    data = requests.get(url).json()
    print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))


            "id": 18450,
            "name": "THOMAS JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL",
            "city": "ALEXANDRIA",
            "state": "VA",
            "public": true,
            "num_senior": 423,
            "num_american_indian": 39,
            "num_asian": 1084,
            "num_hispanic": 34,
            "num_black": 24,
            "num_white": 530,
            "student_teacher_ratio": "16.93",
            "num_free_reduced_lunch": 33,
            "total_students": 1820,
        ... and so on.