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Prevent to read file multiple times from dynamic fileInput

I've created a dynamic fileInput in shiny using lapply. When I want to read the file, I've also used lapply in an observer.

The problem of using lapply here is, it is triggered every time I upload a new file and thus, reads all files again and again if a new file is uploaded.

Here I provide a Hello World app. The lapply function depends on an input paramter which I abtracted from for simplicity.

ui <- fluidPage(
    titlePanel("Hello World"),
            lapply(1:2, function(i) {
                    paste0("file", i),
                    label = NULL,
                    multiple = F,
                    accept = c(
                    buttonLabel = paste("File", i)

server <- function(input, output) {
    r <- reactiveValues()

        lapply(1:2, function(i) {
            file <- input[[paste0("file",i)]]
            if(is.null(file)) return()
                r$file[[paste(i)]] <- readr::read_csv2(file = file$datapath)
    output$list <- renderPrint(reactiveValuesToList(r))

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

How to replace the loop or add a requirement to lapply?


  • While I started down the road of cache-invalidation in the comments, I think something else may work better for you since you have a fixed number of fileInput fields: swap the lapply and observe lines in your code (plus a couple of other tweaks).

    server <- function(input, output) {
      lapply(paste0("file", 1:2), function(nm) {
        observeEvent(input[[ nm ]], {
          req(input[[nm]], file.exists(input[[nm]]$datapath))
          readr::read_csv2(file = input[[nm]]$datapath)


    • I'm creating a list of reactive blocks instead of a reactive block operating on a list. This means "file1" won't react to "file2".
    • I short-cutted the definition of the input names by putting paste0(...) in the data of the lapply instead of in the function, though it'd be just as easy to do
      lapply(1:2, function(i) {
        nm <- paste0("file", i)
        # ...
    • It's important to have nm defined outside of the observeEvent, and it has to do with delayed evaluation and namespace search order. I fell prey to this a few years ago and was straightened out by Joe Cheng: you can't use a for loop, it must be some environment-preserving operation like this.

    N.B.: this is a stub of code, and it is far from complete: having an observe or observeEvent read the data and then discard it is wrong ... it's missing something. Ideally, this should really be a reactive or eventReactive block, or the processed data should be stored in a reactiveValues or reactiveVal. For example:

    server <- function(input, output) {
      mydata <- lapply(paste0("file", 1:2), function(nm) {
        observeEvent(input[[ nm ]], {
          req(input[[nm]], file.exists(input[[nm]]$datapath))
          readr::read_csv2(file = input[[nm]]$datapath)
        # the following are identical, the latter more declarative

    (And another note about defensive programming: you cannot control perfectly how readr::read_csv2 reacts to that file ... it may error out for some reason. One further step would be to wrap it in tryCatch(..., error = function(e) { errfun(e); NULL; }) where errfun(e) does something meaningful with the error message (logs it and/or gives it to the user in a modal popup) and then returns NULL so that reactive blocks downstream can use req(mydata[[1]]) and will not try to process the NULL.

    server <- function(input, output) {
      mydata <- lapply(paste0("file", 1:2), function(nm) {
        observeEvent(input[[ nm ]], {
          file <- input[[nm]]
            readr::read_csv2(file = input[[nm]]$datapath),
            error = function(e) { errfun(e); NULL; })
        # the following are identical, the latter more declarative