I've got a function where I want to determine if all the digits after the first are numbers. To do so, I thought I could use Text.InferNumberType which, per the documentation, should raise an error if the text is not a number.
Here is my code snippet:
a= Text.Start(Argument,1),
b= Text.End(Argument, Text.Length(Argument) - 1),
c= try Text.InferNumberType(b) otherwise "FALSE" ,
Instead, I'm getting this Expression.Error which says:
Expression.Error: the name
wasn't recognized. Make sure it's spelled correctly.
I literally copied and pasted the function name from the reference document, so I'm sure it's spelled correctly.
I'm using PowerQuery in Excel 2013. PowerQuery was installed about a week ago using the latest download from Microsoft. I did search and found this question - I'm wondering if this is a similar issue? I don't see anything in the documentation though which says this function wouldn't be available in certain versions of power query.
This is likely an older function that isn't supported in Excel 2013. I'd recommend a different function like Number.From
or Number.FromText
, which have similar functionality.