json response is "Value": 0.23
i want to put assertion here value should be less than 3 so how to do this ? tried some examples in documentation but they are for array format of jsonenter code here
Scenario: Shows the minimum time any DB request to CS will take This value is an important indicator for the performance of the database access.
Given path 'admin/rest/status/db/'
When method get
Then status 200
And match response contains { Value: ">3"}
* match Value == { '#? _ > 3' }
* match $.Value == '##[_ > 3]'
* def H = response
* print H
tried with above assertion not found any solution
You can construct it as below:
* def resp = { "Value": 0.23 }
* match resp == { "Value": '#? _ < 3' }
* match resp.Value == '#? _ < 3'