I am very new to iOS, and I would like to know what is mobile device certificate authentication? If so how could we integrate this aspect in iOS?
Im am not sure if you are addressing the same thing as I am about to but this is my point of view on the question you have asked .
If you are asking about mobile device authentication certificates which is not just limited to IOS , it is mainly used by companies to ensure high level security on the devices and networks they rely on . The main idea is to not give access to other third parties . For example if you want to buy some mobiles which will only be able to connect to a certain network of. your company only and is only able to access company wifi and some work related webistes only , we can use these services provided using certificates by certain companies . Take look at this website you might find it a little helpful.
If you are asking about Provisional Profiles, that is a totally different thing. Provisional profiles allow you to install your applications /bundles in to your devices . For this you need to have an apple developers account and create provisional profiles using bundle ids certificates .
Im hoping you were asking about either one of them, If not please get back to me and I will help you in a way I can