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Connect to card while transaction in hyperldeger

I have run the network using the below command

composer-rest-server -c admin@mynetwork -n never -w true

In the network there are some other participants also like

Participant1 has p1@mynetwork card

Participant2 has p2@mynetwork card

Now the problem is how to connect to another card while doing the transaction.

I want to do the transaction1 with p1 card and transaction2 with p2 card.

How to do that connection while doing the transaction. I am using to call the transaction in nodejs by calling http://localhost:3000/api/transaction1


  • You can do it in 2 ways:

    1st way:

    You can create an account in github OAuth to authenticate user for your hyperledger rest server. What this does is that your rest-server will then get a wallet where user will upload their card and then activate that card. Now whatever transaction that you will perform will carry on being the participant, whose card that is.


    1. Export variable COMPOSOSER_PROVIDERS with your github clientID and clientSecret on your terminal.

    export COMPOSER_PROVIDERS='{"github":"provider":"github","module":"passportgithub","clientID":"c1e68c173a1*******","clientSecret":"**************a2219abc380fa43ace7519","authPath":"/auth/github","callbackURL":"/auth/github/callback","successRedirect":" ","failureRedirect":"/"}}'

    1. Install passport-github

    npm install -g passport-github

    1. start composer-rest-server with multiple user mode enabled

    composer-rest-server --card admin@mynetwork -n never -p 3000 -a true -m true

    1. Finally authenticate your github account at url


    2nd way: (Not Preferable But Easiest :) )

    You can create composer rest server at different port using command

    composer-rest-server -c p1@mynetwork -n never -w true -p 4000

    Now whatever transaction you want to perform by participant1. Perform on port 4000.