I have a .pcd
file of a terrain survey that I opened using this command:
% read point cloud
big_island_cloud = pcread('C:\Users\to\path\Desktop\big_island_5m.pcd');
Now I read from a .csv
file all necessary columns using readtable
in the following way and and verify that everything is fine file(1:3,:)
and plot the result using stackedplot
file = readtable('C:\Users\to\path\Desktop\EKF_USBL_CAM_Pose_Projected.csv');
timeStamp = file(:,1);
pose_pose_position_x = file(:,4);
pose_pose_position_y = file(:,5);
and the following is what I obtain, pose_pose_position_x
is going to be the trajectory I have to draw on top of the .pcd
How do I obtain the following output?:
Thank you for shedding light on this matter
Supposing that you have [x,y,z]
for the data of your trajectories then you can simply superpose a plot with the use of hold on
and plot3
Based on the example in the MATLAB documentation :
numFaces = 600;
[x,y,z] = sphere(numFaces);
pcshow([x(:),y(:),z(:)]);hold on % keeps the first plot on screen
plot3([1,1,-1],[1,0.5,1],[1,-0.5,-1]) % adds the trajectory on the plot
title('Sphere with Default Color Map');
If you only have [x,y]
then plot
will replace plot3
plot([1,1,-1],[1,0.5,1]) % adds the trajectory on the plot
Note that the trajectory will be drawn on the plane with z=0