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Sybase SQL - Stored Procedure

I’m trying to create a very simple stored procedure which would do the following:

 EXEC sp_help N’some.table’

 SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM some.table

So far I have the following

 CREATE PROCEDURE info_qry(@tbl)


      DECLARE @tbl varchar(100)

      EXEC sp_help N’@tbl’

      SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM @tbl


I can’t figure it out how to pass the @tbl variable after the N’’ part so it is taken as a variable and not as a constant. How to do that?

Any help is appreciated.

Apologies about formatting I’m on mobile.


  • You can use dynamic SQL:

    declare @sql nvarchar(max);
    set @sql = 'sp_help ''' + @tbl + '''';