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Lagom microservice is not able to form cluster due to Akka Sharding

I have a Lagom microservice, running on Kubernetes with 3 PODs. It is not able to form a cluster on startup and keeps on displaying the following message:

2019-07-12T19:29:27.310Z WARN akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion - Trying to register to coordinator at [ActorSelection[Anchor(akka.tcp://[email protected]:10001/), Path(/system/sharding/MicroserviceEventProcessorCoordinator/singleton/coordinator)]], but no acknowledgement. Total [1580] buffered messages. [Coordinator [Member(address = akka.tcp://[email protected]:10001, status = Up)] is reachable.]

Also the number of buffered messages is constantly increasing. Since there is no documentation for such behavior of a Lagom microservice, can anyone help me in understanding and fixing this issue?


  • I was not able to find a definitive answer to this issue. But following configurations solved the issue:

    sharding.state-store-mode = ddata


    serialization-bindings {
        "akka.Done" = akka-misc
        "" = akka-misc
        "akka.remote.UniqueAddress" = akka-misc

    Now Akka Cluster Shards are not persisted in Event Store.