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How to open Visual Studio code editor at given Roslyn SyntaxNode?

Given a SyntaxNode instance, how can I open appropriate source code file and place cursor at position where the node resides?

I'm writing some simple analyzer. I'm able start it on demand and get a syntax node from current cursor position. But I can't figure out how do I get back to editor from result syntax node. I see the node has a Span property but other than that I don't see any info. The Node I want to show can be in some other file that may not be even opened.

I would like to have behavior similar to "go to..." command for the result of my search.


  • I spend whole day on this but finally got it.

    private void selectNodeInEditor(SyntaxNode n) {
        var cm = (IComponentModel)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SComponentModel));
        var tm = (IVsTextManager)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsTextManager));
        var ws = (Workspace)cm.GetService<VisualStudioWorkspace>();
        var did = ws.CurrentSolution.GetDocumentId(n.SyntaxTree);
        tm.GetActiveView(1, null, out var av);
        var sp = n.GetLocation().GetMappedLineSpan().StartLinePosition;
        var ep = n.GetLocation().GetMappedLineSpan().EndLinePosition;
        av.SetSelection(sp.Line, sp.Character, ep.Line, ep.Character);