Doing an Alphavantage API pull for historic stock data. I'm pulling one of their indicators. Instead of writing 36 separate functions and manually pulling, I'd like to iterate through the 36 possible combinations and do the pull each time with different variables (the variables being each of the combinations). Below is my code. It currently returns "NONE". What am I doing wrong?
Also, is there a way to combine these two functions into one?
def get_ppo_series(matype, series_type):
pull_parameters = {
'function': 'PPO',
'symbol': stock,
'interval': interval,
'series_type': series_type,
'fastperiod': 12,
'slowperiod': 26,
'matype': matype,
'datatype': 'json',
'apikey': key
column = 0
pull = rq.get(url, params=pull_parameters)
data = pull.json()
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data['Technical Analysis: PPO'], orient='index', dtype=float)
df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
df.columns = ['Date', 'PPO Series ' + str(column)]
df.insert(0, 'Stock', stock)
column += 1
return df.tail(past_years * annual_trading_days)
def run_ppo_series():
matype = list(range(8))
series_type = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']
combinations = product(matype, series_type)
for matype, series_type in combinations:
get_ppo_series(matype, series_type)
I also tried the following. This version at least ran one iteration and returned data. But it stops there ???
def get_ppo_series():
column = 0
matype = list(range(8))
series_type = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']
combinations = product(matype, series_type)
for matype, series_type in combinations:
pull_parameters = {
'function': 'PPO',
'symbol': stock,
'interval': interval,
'series_type': series_type,
'fastperiod': 12,
'slowperiod': 26,
'matype': matype,
'datatype': 'json',
'apikey': key
pull = rq.get(url, params=pull_parameters)
data = pull.json()
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data['Technical Analysis: PPO'], orient='index', dtype=float)
df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
df.columns = ['Date', 'PPO Series ' + str(column)]
df.insert(0, 'Stock', stock)
column += 1
return df.tail(past_years * annual_trading_days)
import requests as rq
import itertools
url = ''
key = 'get your own key'
def get_ppo_series(matype, series_type):
pull_parameters = {
'function': 'PPO',
'symbol': 'msft',
'interval': '60min',
'series_type': series_type,
'fastperiod': 12,
'slowperiod': 26,
'matype': matype,
'datatype': 'json',
'apikey': key
column = 0
pull = rq.get(url, params=pull_parameters)
data = pull.json()
print('*' * 50)
print(f'MAType: {matype}, Series: {series_type}')
def run_ppo_series():
matype = list(range(8))
series_type = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']
combinations = itertools.product(matype, series_type)
for matype, series_type in combinations:
get_ppo_series(matype, series_type)
and interval
values are supplied.DataFrame
portion of get_ppo_series
because it's not relevant for receiving the datatime.sleep(60)
after every 5 iterations unless you have a different API call frequencyimport time
def run_ppo_series():
matype = list(range(8))
series_type = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']
combinations = itertools.product(matype, series_type)
count = 0
for matype, series_type in combinations:
if (count%5 == 0) & (count != 0):
get_ppo_series(matype, series_type)