If the application is running in the background, can it save the phone numbers of received calls using CoreTelephony (or similar library)? Is it possible to listen to the incoming call event and make a callback passing data to my application?
CTCallCenter.h seems to have a currentCalls property, but I can't find a description of it. Anybody know if it has phone numbers in it?
Application called "Mr.Number" seems to have a similar feature, but it's not available outside of the US so I can't get it to check the exact functionality.
This seems to be related to Checking incoming call in iphone
Currently no.
There are lots of problems:
I looked into "Mr.Number" application to see if it actually does support such features. It doesn't track phone calls at all. I found this quote from their blog:
While we’re on the subject, we get a lot of questions about why our iPhone app doesn’t have all the functionality of our Android and BlackBerry versions. We hear you. We’d love to offer call blocking, true caller ID, or at the very least the ability to look up numbers from your recent calls without having to copy and paste them from your call log into Mr. Number. Unfortunately, none of this is possible on the iPhone today without jailbreaking. When Apple gives us APIs to do so, we promise to bring all the features of our Android and BlackBerry apps to iPhone