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Equivalent of declare-datatypes in Z3 API

How can I define the equivalent of records in the C++ z3 API:

(declare-datatypes ((State 0))
        (src   String)
        (dst   String)
        (res   Bool)
        (index Int))))
(assert (= (rec "abc" "def" true 80) ...)

I found the tuple_sort in z3++.h file here:

func_decl tuple_sort(char const * name, unsigned n, char const * const * names, sort const* sorts, func_decl_vector & projs);

but for some reason, it returns func_decl, rather than sort. Why is that? I mean, int_sort(), bool_sort(), real_sort() all return sort. What am I missing here?


  • It seems what I was looking for is tuple_sort(...).range(). Here is a complete example:

    z3::context context;
    z3::solver solver(context);
    z3::params params(context);
    /* native sorts: Int, Seq Int */
    z3::sort int_sort     = context.int_sort();
    z3::sort seq_int_sort = context.seq_sort(int_sort);
    /* user defined sort: State */
    /* number of fields ..... 2 */
    const int state_number_of_fields = 2;
    /* field 0 ........ myArray */
    /* field 1 .......... index */
    const char *state_field_names[state_number_of_fields]=
    /* sort 0 ......... Seq Int */
    /* sort 1 ............. Int */
    const z3::sort state_field_sorts[state_number_of_fields]=
    /* returned value: state getters */
    z3::func_decl_vector getters(context);
    /* First, we define the state constructor */
    z3::func_decl rec = context.tuple_sort(
    /* Then (finally) we define the state sort */
    z3::sort state_sort = rec.range();
    /* Function declaration: f: State -> State */
    z3::func_decl f = z3::function("f",state_sort,state_sort);
    /* f is defined implicitly: for every state s, f(s) = ... */
    z3::expr s = context.constant("s",state_sort);
    z3::expr randomize_f(z3::expr &s)
        auto myArray = getters[0](s);
        auto index   = getters[1](s);
        auto five     = context.int_val(5);
        auto seq_five = context.int_val(5).unit();
        return z3::ite(
            index > context.int_val(8),
    /* main */
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
        /* [1] define f_body */
        z3::expr f_definition = z3::forall(s,f(s) == randomize_f(s));
        /* [2] f is defined implicitly: for every State s, f(s) = ... */
        /* [4] check sat */
        if (solver.check() == z3::sat)
            std::cout << solver.get_model() << "\n";
        /* [5] return */
        return 0;