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Recognize the new Windows Terminal from a PowerShell script

I'm writing a new PowerShell script, and I want to make use of unicode emojies, which are now supported by the new Windows Terminal Preview. However, for a user running "legacy" PowerShell that doesn't support it, I do not wish to show the unrecognized characters, and instead I would like to show him some other text/sign.

To be more simple - I would like to know when my PS script is running in the new Terminal and show one thing and show something else for other PS terminals.

I have tried using $env:TERM_PROGRAM. If I use is inside the vscode PS terminal it returns "vscode", but under normal PS terminal or new terminal it returns nothing.

Any ideas?


  • Windows Terminal is still in its infancy and not much to go by to identify it but I noticed that it adds an environment variable WT_SESSION, you might try checking for that:

    if ($env:WT_SESSION) {
         "I am in Windows Terminal"
    } else {
         "Nothing to see here..."