I started using Result as a return type and I mostly like it but when I have nothing to return for success then I am at a loss about what to do in that case statement. Any hints?
All that I could think of was let _ = 0
func createAppDirectory(_ searchPath: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory) -> Result<Void,Error>
switch createAppDirectory(searchPath) {
case .success(_): let _ = 0
case .failure(let error): return .failure(error)
I am beginning to think that maybe Result isn't a good fit when the success type is Void.
BTW createAppDirectory just creates Library/Application Support/<Bundle ID>
. There is no value to return if it succeeds.
Use a break statement:
switch createAppDirectory(searchPath) {
case .success:
case .failure(let error): return .failure(error)
As Mojtaba pointed out, if you're not going to use the associated value for a particular case of your enum you can simply skip it. I've edited my answer above to remove the (_)
from the .success