I am working on a project based on the following app:
I am trying to write a unit test around the BaseCoordinator
I would like to assert that this method within the class
private func free<T: CoordinatorType>(coordinator: T) {
childCoordinators[coordinator.identifier] = nil
does in fact free the coordinator from the childCoordinators
I am unsure how I can do this though. I thought I could simply create a mock coordinator and have the start
method return something, but I believe I am doing this wrong
My Test
func test_releases_coordinator_from_child_coordinator_dict() {
class MockCoordinator: BaseCoordinator<Void> {
override func start() -> Observable<Void> {
return .empty()
let mockCoordinator = MockCoordinator()
let sut = BaseCoordinator<Void>()
sut.coordinate(to: mockCoordinator).subscribe().disposed(by: disposeBag)
XCTAssertEqual(sut.childCoordinators.count, 0)
My base coordinator
import RxSwift
/// Base abstract coordinator generic over the return type of the `start` method.
class BaseCoordinator<ResultType>: CoordinatorType {
/// Typealias which allows to access a ResultType of the Coordainator by `CoordinatorName.CoordinationResult`.
typealias CoordinationResult = ResultType
/// Utility `DisposeBag` used by the subclasses.
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
/// Unique identifier.
internal let identifier = UUID()
/// Dictionary of the child coordinators. Every child coordinator should be added
/// to that dictionary in order to keep it in memory.
/// Key is an `identifier` of the child coordinator and value is the coordinator itself.
/// Value type is `Any` because Swift doesn't allow to store generic types in the array.
private(set) var childCoordinators = [UUID: Any]()
/// Stores coordinator to the `childCoordinators` dictionary.
/// - Parameter coordinator: Child coordinator to store.
private func store<T: CoordinatorType>(coordinator: T) {
childCoordinators[coordinator.identifier] = coordinator
/// Release coordinator from the `childCoordinators` dictionary.
/// - Parameter coordinator: Coordinator to release.
private func free<T: CoordinatorType>(coordinator: T) {
childCoordinators[coordinator.identifier] = nil
/// 1. Stores coordinator in a dictionary of child coordinators.
/// 2. Calls method `start()` on that coordinator.
/// 3. On the `onNext:` of returning observable of method `start()` removes coordinator from the dictionary.
/// - Parameter coordinator: Coordinator to start.
/// - Returns: Result of `start()` method.
func coordinate<T: CoordinatorType, U>(to coordinator: T) -> Observable<U> where U == T.CoordinationResult {
store(coordinator: coordinator)
return coordinator.start()
.do(onNext: { [weak self] _ in self?.free(coordinator: coordinator) })
/// Starts job of the coordinator.
/// - Returns: Result of coordinator job.
func start() -> Observable<ResultType> {
fatalError("Start method should be implemented.")
You cannot use .empty
as your return type in MockCoordinator
creates an Observable that emits no items but terminates without fail.
You should update your mock to emit a value once subscribed too, eg:
class MockCoordinator: BaseCoordinator<Bool> {
override func start() -> Observable<Bool> {
return .of(true)
This should invoke the call to free your coordinator.