I have created below .sh file to run R code saved in separate .R file.
cat EE.sh
VARIABLES=( 20190719 20190718 )
for i in ${VARIABLES[@]}; do
/usr/lib/R/bin/Rscript -e 'source("/home/EER.R")'
Basically what it is expected to do is, take the dates from VARIABLE and pass to the /home/EER.R
file, and R will do execution based on passed date (after correct formatting)
Then I ran below code
sudo chmod a+rx EE.sh
sudo bash EE.sh
But I then get below error message.
sudo bash EE.sh
EE.sh: line 2: $'\r': command not found
EE.sh: line 3: $'\r': command not found
EE.sh: line 4: $'\r': command not found
Can anyone help me to resolve this issue.
I am using Ubuntu 18 with R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)
This problem looks to be related to carriage returns related(which come when we copy text from windows machine to unix machine), so to identify them use:
cat -v Input_file
If you see carriage returns in your file then try:
tr -d '\r' < Input_file > temp && mv temp Input_file
Once they are removed then try to run your program.