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Get count and list of unique values from table without listing each column using SQL in QGIS

Based on questions like SQL to find the number of distinct values in a column and

I see we can get a count and list of unique values using SQL but I can't see anything where we can do this without knowing the name of the field.

Is it possible in SQL for QGIS which only allows these commands? I found this option for another flavor -

In Mapbasic I have used the following but would like to do this in SQL...

'Get Column Name list
dim x as integer
dim sColName as string
dim aColName as Alias
For x=1 to TableInfo(temptable, TAB_INFO_NCOLS)
    sColName = ColumnInfo(temptable, "col"+str$(x), COL_INFO_NAME)
    if (sColName not in ("GID","GID_New")) then
        aColName = sColName

        Select aColName, count(*) from temptable group by aColName into "g_"+sColName
        Browse * from "g_"+sColName
        Export "g_"+sColName Into WFolder+RSelection.col2+"_"+sColName+".csv" Type "ASCII" Delimiter "," CharSet "WindowsLatin1" Titles
    End If

I guess in SQL we would use but how can I tell it to just use every column in the table without knowing/specifying the name?


If I run

SELECT DISTINCT * FROM Drainage_Lines_Clip;

I get enter image description here

But I need something like the following without having to specify the column name. Ref enter image description here

It should look like this extract from running Unique on a google sheet of the data (except with counts) enter image description here


  • I ended up having to use a combination of PyQGIS and SQL to get what's needed.

    layer = qgis.utils.iface.activeLayer()
    fields=[] # List of fields
    Lquery=[] # List of queries to join together with Union All statement
    Cquery=[] # Combined Query to use
    for field in layer.fields():
        if not in ('GID_New'):
            query = "Select '{0}' as 'Column', {0} as 'Value', count(*) as 'Unique' from {1} group by {0}".format(,
            print (
    #    query = "Select {0}, count(*) from {1} group by {0} order by 2 Desc".format(,
    for L in Lquery:
        Cquery.append(L+' Union All ')
    query=''.join(map(str, Fquery))
    query=query[:-11]+' Order by Column'
    vlayer = QgsVectorLayer( "?query={}".format(query), 'counts_', "virtual" )