When I first launched Microsoft Chromium Edge, I have imported the data from Chrome. I got my bookmarks and others things but not my custom "Search engines".
How can I import my Search engine from Chrome into Microsoft Chromium Edge.
This is how I have done it using the open source DB Browser for SQLite.
⚠ You will need to close the Edge browser so Copy this answer in a text. ⚠
○ Download and install DB Browser for SQLite
○ Copy Chrome Web Data
Go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
Copy the file Web Data
(no extension) to your desktop and rename it Chrome Web Data
Open Chrome Web Data
with DB browser for SQLite
(the file has no extension but it's an .sqlite
): ex right-click > open with or double click the file and choose DB browser for SQLite
○ Copy Edge Web Data
Close Edge
Go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge Dev\User Data\Default
Copy the file Edge Web Data
on desktop, rename the original Edge Web Data
(ex: Edge Web Data
) and rename the copied to Edge Web Data
Open Edge Web Data
in DB browser for SQLite
○ Comparing ID from the Keywords tables
In Chrome Web Data
, go to Browse Data tab
, and select the table Keywords
Click on ID header to sort the entries by ID
Do the last 2 steps with Edge Web Data
, too
Compare the IDS : if some IDs are present in the 2 databases, you will need to change the ID in the Chrome Web Data
into ID that aren't used in Edge Web Data
. To do that you need to click on each ID in Chrome Web Data
, go to the edit database cell pane
(cf view-), change the number and click save
○ Export Keywords table from Chrome Web Data
In Chrome Web Data
, go to menu file>export>Database to SQL file
Select only the table Keywords
and click save (leave "keep column name" and "Multiple row" unchecked and keep "Export everything" and "Keep old schema")
○ Import in Edge
In Edge Web Data
, go to menu file>import >Database from SQL file
Choose "Keywords.sql" that you have just exported.
Answer No to "do you want to create..." (we want to import already existing table). Check the table Keywords
and save
Move Edge Web Data
into %LOCALAPPDATA%\Local\Microsoft\Edge Dev\User Data\Default
and rename it Web Data
Open Edge
If you have added as a search engines some address like chrome://extensions/
, Edge will redirect them automatically toedge://extensions/
. If you like when things are tidy, you can update all the chrome://
links, but if you don't do that, it will still work.