The code is pretty straightforward: I'm try to pass the function addContactFn()
from MainComp
to SideMenu
. On click I get the error
Uncaught TypeError: this.value.handleEvent is not a function
class MainComp extends LitElement {
this.addContactFn = this.addContactFn.bind(this)
addContactFn() {
return html`
<div class="main-page">
<side-menu addContactFn="${this.addContactFn}"></side-menu>
class SideMenu extends LitElement {
static get properties(){
return {
addContactFn: Function
return html`<a @click="${this.addContactFn}">Add contact</a>`
As Thad said, attributes are always strings, and there's no real safe efficient way of parsing a function in execution
However, you don't really even need to use that, just pass the function as a property rather than as an attribute and that should be enough, here's how MainComp's render would end up after that
return html`
<div class="main-page">
<side-menu .addContactFn="${this.addContactFn}"></side-menu>
Basically, you just add a dot before the property name
For more info check LitElement's guide
Then again, this way of doing stuff is very React-ish and not really recommended for Web Components, you should probably just create a emit a custom event in the child component and pick it up in the parent