I have a library with methods to which I wrote annotations. Here is one method:
* Delete Connection.
* Result is returned through callback.
* @param customerSecret - current Customer secret code
* @param connectionSecret - secret code of the Connection which should be deleted if exist
* @param callback - callback for request result
public void deleteConnection(String customerSecret,
String connectionSecret,
DeleteEntryResult callback) {
new ConnectionDeleteConnector(callback).deleteConnection(customerSecret, connectionSecret);
But when I use this method in my main project, I don't see this annotation:
public void deleteConnection(String customerSecret, String connectionSecret, DeleteEntryResult callback) {
(new ConnectionDeleteConnector(callback)).deleteConnection(customerSecret, connectionSecret);
Q: How can I display my annotations in a project?
Resolved my problem with this post
Recipe is simple:
Annotate methods to which you want to see annotations
Write task in build.gradle
to choose which classes to document:
task sourcesJar(type: Jar) {
from android.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs
classifier = 'sources'
artifacts {
archives sourcesJar
After that, rebuild your library and everything should work.