I have a oracle
table with a col COMPLAINT_REASON
complaints_tbl %>% head() %>% select(COMPLAINT_REASON)
# Source: lazy query [?? x 1]
# Database: Oracle 12.01.0020[user@user_db/]
1 Payment Related
2 Bill Related
3 Order Management
4 Repair/Connection related
5 Broadband
6 Product fault
I am trying to create a new col called primary_reason
but with different values i.e. if the COMPLAINT_REASON
= Payment Related
then the primary_reason
should have Payments
. If none
are matched then have the value as is in the primary_reason
In normal circumstance, I would do something like this using data.table
complaints_tbl <- complaints_tbl[,primary_reason := forcats::fct_recode(COMPLAINT_REASON,
"Payments" = "Payment Related",
"Billing" = "Bill Related",
"Orders" = "Order Management",
"Billing" = "Billing/Payment Enquiry")]
As you can see the ones that are not available will come under primary reason
as is. (Product fault, Broadband, Repair/Connection related)
and Payment Related
becomes Payments
etc. in the primary_reason
I have tried:
complaints_tbl %>% mutate(primary_reason = forcats::fct_recode(COMPLAINT_REASON
"Payments" = "Payment Related",
"Billing" = "Bill Related",
"Orders" = "Order Management",
"Billing" = "Billing/Payment Enquiry"))
But getting the error:
Error in check_factor(.f) : object 'COMPLAINT_REASON' not found
Lastly, it will be ideal to push the new col back to my existing table in oracle
for future use.
Any pointers? Cheers
I work in SQL server not oracle, but I think the challenge here is ensuring dbplyr
can translate your commands to the database language regardless of your choice of language.
In general dbplyr
struggles to translate commands outside the dplyr
or tidyverse
collection. Hence why forcats::fct_recode
is not working for you.
An example solution using ifelse
, which gets translated correctly in my environment:
complaints_tbl %>%
# create column for ease of changes
mutate(primary_reason = NA) %>%
# one mutate per match/rename
mutate(primary_reason = ifelse(COMPLAINT_REASON = "Payment Related",
yes = "Payments", no = primary_reason)) %>%
mutate(primary_reason = ifelse(COMPLALINT_REASON = "Billing Related",
yes = "Billing", no = primary_reason)) %>%
# if none are matched
mutate(primary_reason = ifelse(is.na(primary_reason),
yes = COMPLAINT_REASON, no = primary_reason))
Instead of multiple mutates with ifelse
, you could instead use case_when