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ng-if does not work when placed outside of controller and $compile-ed with scope, but ng-show does

I have a plain angular application which adds variables to the scope and simply display them. Which is simple and working.

But there is a part of the page that does not run in angular (practically it is a jQuery plugin), so I have to use $compile to enable directive usage in the rendered HTML. However, in this HTML, the ng-if directive does not work and always evaluates to false and disappeared. But when using ng-show, things are displayed/hidden as expected.

What could be the reason and how is a fix possible?


  <div ng-controller="GreeterController">
    constTrue: {{constTrue}}<br>
    ng-if="constTrue": <span ng-if="constTrue">Yes</span><br>
    ng-show="constTrue": <span ng-show="constTrue">Yes</span><br>
    returnTrue(): {{returnTrue()}}<br>
    ng-if="returnTrue()": <span ng-if="returnTrue()">Yes</span><br>
    ng-show="returnTrue()": <span ng-show="returnTrue()">Yes</span><br>


  <div id="outsideController">
    constTrue: {{constTrue}}<br>
    ng-if="constTrue": <span ng-if="constTrue">Yes</span><br>
    ng-show="constTrue": <span ng-show="constTrue">Yes</span><br>
    returnTrue(): {{returnTrue()}}<br>
    ng-if="returnTrue()": <span ng-if="returnTrue()">Yes</span><br>
    ng-show="returnTrue()": <span ng-show="returnTrue()">Yes</span><br>
app.controller('GreeterController', ['$scope', '$compile', '$timeout', function($scope, $compile, $timeout) {
  $scope.constTrue = true;
  $scope.returnTrue = function(){ return true }

  var outsideController = document.getElementById('outsideController');



constTrue: true
ng-if="constTrue": Yes
ng-show="constTrue": Yes
returnTrue(): true
ng-if="returnTrue()": Yes
ng-show="returnTrue()": Yes


constTrue: true
ng-show="constTrue": Yes
returnTrue(): true
ng-show="returnTrue()": Yes


  • The problem occurs because the element is being compiled twice. Once when the app bootstraps and again with the $compile service in the controller.

    The solution is to declare to the AngularJS framework that the element not be compiled when bootstrapping.

    Use the ng-non-bindable directive:

    <div ng-non-bindable>
      <div id="outsideController">
        constTrue: {{constTrue}}<br>
        ng-if="constTrue": <span ng-if="constTrue">Yes</span><br>
        ng-show="constTrue": <span ng-show="constTrue">Yes</span><br>
        returnTrue(): {{returnTrue()}}<br>
        ng-if="returnTrue()": <span ng-if="returnTrue()">Yes</span><br>
        ng-show="returnTrue()": <span ng-show="returnTrue()">Yes</span><br>

    Then when the controller compiles the element is will be clean and unmodified.

    The DEMO on PLNKR

    For more information, see