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How to communicate between Activity and Threads created by other Actvity

When you have 2 activities ( A and B ) and A is the MainActivity, now you start your App and A starts B. B is a activity with a Dialog interacting with the user, creating a Bluetooth Connection and 2 Threads, 1 Receiving and one Sending. Now, what is the best way to send the Information from A to the threads of B and the other way round? Look here.

First I used a static WeakReference, but I heard this causes a lot of problems, so I want to ask for a more common solution.

Please keep in mind, when starting an Activity from another Activity, you can only pass Serializable Objs and simple data. So it is not possible to use a Handler that way.

Here is the static WeakReference I used:

public class T1 extends Thread{
private static WeakReference<T1> weak_T1;

public void T1 (){
weak_T1 = new WeakReference<T1> (This);

public static WeakReference getWeakReverence() {
    return weak_T1;


Here is a way to look for a running Thread in the stack:

for (Thread thread : Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet()) { 
    if (thread.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("T1")){ 
    T1A =thread; 
     }else if (thread.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("T2")){ 
     T2A =thread; 

Also possible solution:

public class example extends Thread {
    private static example instance;

  private example() {

  public static example getIsntance(){
    if(instance == null){
      instance = new example();

    return instance;


  • A WeakReference probably isn't what you want, here. That is, presuming that your Thread object either does not terminate, or somehow maintains some information useful to Activity A after Activity B has stopped. If you use a WeakReference, it might become "null" as soon as Activity B ends, and the thread terminates. Just use regular old strong references. It'll ensure T1, and the information contains, continues to exist until you're done with it.

    public class ActivityB extends Activity
        private T1 t1;
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            t1 = startMyThread();
        public void onBackPressed()
            ActivityA.tempT1 = t1;
            //This technique presumes that Activity A is guaranteed to resume after a 
            //back button press, based on the arrangement of your backstack, etc. If
            //Activity A is started via some other means (e.g., an explicit startActivity(),
            //finish(), etc.), then this reference will have to be set prior to
            //that call, as well, in order to establish the appropriate "happens before" relationship.
            //If you fail to ensure that Activity A resumes after this point, you will
            //risk a memory leak.
    public class ActivityA extends Activity
        public static T1 tempT1 = null;
        private T1 t1;
        public void onResume()
            if(tempT1 == null)
                //Apparently, Activity B hasn't executed yet. Provide the user with a button to start it.
                t1 = tempT1;
                tempT1 = null;     //To avoid a memory leak
                //We just retrieved the reference that Activity B left for us.
                //Now, change UI states so that the user can see information about t1.