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Ghost - how to get a specific page?

I'm a Ghost beginner, and I know I can get the list of pages doing like below.

{{#get "pages"}}
{{#foreach pages}}

But am I able to fetch a specific page? Let's assume that I have an "about" page that I'd like to fetch in order to show its contents into the blog's sidebar, for example, this is what I tried, but it's not working.

{{#get "pages/slug/about" as page}}
    {{page}}        // prints undefined

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • The first parameter passed to the #get helper specifies the name of the resource you want to query. It should be either posts, tags or authors. In your use case it should be posts.

    {{#get "posts" slug="pages/slug/about" as |post|}} 
       <h1><a href="{{slug}}">{{title}}</a></h1> 
       <div class="post-content"> {{content}} </div>