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What requirements am I missing on App Engine for those Google libraries?

I have had all my websites on App Engine working great for years and I recently got an email saying everything I used was deprecated. I'm migrating webapp to flask, etc etc.

My new server works locally (finally there were just a few code changes) however the deployed version does NOT work.

Locally I have the cloud SDK installed and /usr/local/google_appengine/lib/:/usr/local/google_appengine in my PYTHONPATH.

I import

from google.appengine.api import urlfetch
from google.appengine.api import datastore
from google.appengine.api import memcache
from google.appengine.ext import db

What requirements.txt am I missing? I tried to add the following


but I'm still getting errors in the deployed app: ModuleNotFound google.appengine. Also is there a generic way to go from google doc code example/import -> requirement? Thanks


  • This is not a complete answer but a good start:

    I had to migrate db to ndb

    this seems to necessitate to set up iam permissions

    The migration is not so hard, mostly replacing db with ndb, changing repeated fields (a find and replace in the code, no datastore change). You also need to change the syntax of a few queries, this is a bit more laborious.

    Regarding the "deprecated apis":

    from google.appengine.api import datastore became from import datastore

    And I had to use in requirements.txt:


    There are a few things that I didn't bother migrating (especially since my website is not using them that much): google oauth and memcache. I just removed my admin page (that was using oauth), and I replaced memcache with cachetools.LRUCache (I used memcache to rate limit the calls on a page). Not as glamorous as a distributed cache but I didn't want to set up redis etc

    End of the story: it is working locally but still not working when I deploy. After removing everything to just have a minimal website, it is still not working (while another project works) so I opened