I have created a table :
CREATE TABLE mytable (
uuid int,
answers jsonb
Inserted some JSON values and id :
db.query('insert into mytable(uuid,answers) values($1,$2::jsonb)',
[1,{ "user" : "1", "ans" : "Answer of 1" }])
I am using node js and pg as a client for Postgres.
The data is successfully entered and return the row as expected.
SELECT answers FROM mytable
{"ans": "Answer of 1","user": "1"}
But when I tried to retrieve the value of "ans" of "user" with value 1, it returned an error:
elements ->> 'ans'
jsonb_array_elements(answers) elements
elements ->> 'user' = '1'
ERROR: cannot extract elements from an object
SQL state: 22023
In this question you inserted an JSON array: [{...}, {...}]
. Now, the result set of your SELECT
statement seems that you inserted a simple object: {...}
. Of course then you cannot call jsonb_array_elements()
which is for JSON arrays: demo with array, demo without array.
So, if you want to insert an JSON array, you need adjust your input parameter by adding the array braces around your JSON object: [...]
If you do not want to insert an array but a simple JSON object then you can go with this query which saves you the step for expanding the array. You can call the objects directly:
answers ->> 'ans'
answers ->> 'user' = '1'