I'm having an issue setting the icon for my Electron app in two different ways:
Non-Packaged (Running the app via terminal)
My main.js does specify an 'icon' value, pointing to the icon file, but it does not apply.
Packaged (with electron-packager)
My package.json file specifies the 'icon' key, pointing to the icon file, and I have the .icns (Mac) file in the build directory. I used electron-packager to build the app, but the icon is not applied, the default electron icon is used instead.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong here, everything appears correct.
If you mean the icon on the dock, on MAC can should use:
const app = electron.app;
const image = electron.nativeImage.createFromPath(
app.getAppPath() + "/public/YOUR_APP_IMAGE_NAME"