This is my first project, I used a lot of resources from others with the same project and this is what I have come up with. I am using Jupyter notebook. I am not getting any more error messages in my code, but for some reason I can't get it to run? Also, any advice or improvements in my code would also be appreciated.
I've tried to just call the tic_tac_toe() command but nothing comes up and I'm not sure why.
def tic_tac_toe():
brd = [None] + list(range(1,10))
end = False
winner = ((1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9),(1,4,7),(2,5,8),(3,6,9),(1,5,9), (3,5,7))
from IPython.display import clear_output
def show_board():
def player_input():
marker = ''
while marker != 'x' and marker != 'o':
marker = input('Do you want to be x or o?: ')
player1 = marker
if player1 == 'x':
player2 ='o'
player2 = 'x'
player_markers = [player1,player2]
def choose_number():
while True:
val = int(input())
if val in brd:
return val
print('\n Please choose another number')
except ValueError:
print('\n Please choose another number')
def game_over():
for a, b, c in winner:
if brd[a] == brd[b] == brd[c]:
print("{0} wins!\n".format(board[a]))
return True
if 9 == sum((pos == 'x' or pos == 'o') for pos in board):
print("The game ends in a tie\n")
return True
for player in 'x' or 'o' * 9:
if is_game_over():
print("{0} pick your move".format(player))
brd[choose_number()] = player
while True:
if input("Play again (y/n)\n") != "y":
I'm not sure why it is not running normally.
There's a couple things wrong with your code here. Your indentation for one. Also wondering why your functions are all in another function. You also create a bunch of functions but never call most of them. And have some functions that do not seem to exist. There are also a lot of logic errors here and there.
Try this instead:
# numpy is a package that has a lot of helpful functions and lets you manipulate
# numbers and arrays in many more useful ways than the standard Python list allows you to
import numpy as np
def show_board(brd):
def player_input():
marker = ''
while marker != 'x' and marker != 'o':
marker = input('Do you want to be x or o?: ')
player1 = marker
if player1 == 'x':
player2 ='o'
player2 = 'x'
player_markers = [player1,player2]
return player_markers
def choose_number(brd):
while True:
val = int(input())
if brd[val-1] == "_":
return val
print('\nNumber already taken. Please choose another number:')
except ValueError:
print('\nYou did not enter a number. Please enter a valid number:')
def is_game_over(winner, brd):
for a, b, c in winner:
if brd[a] != "_" and (brd[a] == brd[b] == brd[c]):
print("{} wins!\n".format(brd[a]))
return True
if 9 == sum((pos == 'x' or pos == 'o') for pos in brd):
print("The game ends in a tie\n")
return True
# I split this function in two because the "is_game_over" code was included here
# instead of being by itself.
def game_over(winner, brd, player_markers):
last = 0
# The first player is the one stored in "player_markers[0]"
player = player_markers[0]
# There are nine turns so that is what this is for. It has nothing to do with
# 'x' or 'o'. And one more turn is added for the "is_game_over" to work in
# case of a tie.
for i in range(10):
if is_game_over(winner, brd):
print("{0} pick your move [1-9]:".format(player))
brd[choose_number(brd)-1] = player
# This is added to change from one player to another
# by checking who was the last one (look up ternary operators)
player = player_markers[1] if last==0 else player_markers[0]
last = 1 if last==0 else 0
def tic_tac_toe():
brd = ["_"] * 9
end = False
winner = ((1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9),(1,4,7),(2,5,8),(3,6,9),(1,5,9),(3,5,7))
winner = np.array([list(elem) for elem in winner]) - 1
player_markers = player_input()
game_over(winner, brd, player_markers)
while True:
if input("Play again (y/n)\n") != "y":