I'm working on a project in which the user can select a time interval (HH:mm) from a UIDatePicker
in count down mode and, with that time interval, I want to trigger a notification.
I created the UIDatePicker
in the Storyboard and set the Mode to Count Down Timer in the Attributes Inspector.
The problem is that when I get the current value of the datePicker, the value is never correct.
For example, if the user selects 1 minute, I get random values between 70 an 110 but never 60! How is this possibile? (The problem occurs with every selection)
This is how I get the current value:
and for testing purpose, I print it with
Maybe there is a bug or something that I don't know? (of course there is)
I tried to convert the value represented on the UIDatePicker
in string a then, reconvert it in TimeInterval
but if there is a better method it would be great.
Ok problem solved, maybe it's a bug of XCode.
The problem occurs when you build the datepicker
from storyboard and set it's mode paramether to Count Down Timer
To solve this problem, simply don't set the mode of the datepicker
on count down timer
from the storyboard but you need to set the mode programmatically with
timepicker.datePickerMode = .countDownTimer
Doing this, the problem is solved